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29 June 2024 - 1 July 2024
Turin, Italy
Torino Sport & Fashion Match 2024


The international matchmaking event addressed to TEXTILE| FASHION| CREATIVE and SPORT industries that facilitates the creation of international  partnerships between companies | retailers | distributors| buyers | investors| industrial experts and stakeholder  amid the textile ecosystem .

The Event is free of charge, and it will realized ONSITE at the Talent Garden, the  Europe’s leading digital education provider and coworking network for innovators and tech ecosystem! 

  • Are you looking for international contacts to innovate or to Scale UP with your company? 
  • Wish you to develop new ideas|projects|products under the Textile Industry meeting potential innovators and investors ?
  • Wish you having an amazing experience full of networking, inspirational TALKS, B2B activities  and joining the Torino Fashion Week 2024 shows  and some exciting networking events among a melting-pot community of creatives ? 

Then just REGISTER to this event  !!
As experts amid  the Enterprise Europe Network, we will support your 
BUSINESS to innovate and to GROW at international level! 
...NETWORKING is the first step towards the Internationalization of your business !


1. Fashion and Textile industry
Circular and Sustainable Fashion 
Sportswear and Technical Textiles t
4. Innovation and Creative Design
5. Digital Solutions
6. Investors 

7. Female entrepreneurship


  • Textile and Fashion (garments and fashion accessories)
  • SportsWear| Activewear |SwimWear _ smart and technical textile for the SPORT Industry
  • Creative Industries (textile and fashion, footwear, leather, accessories and Jewelry)
  • Digital solutions and AI technologies for the fashion industry
  • Retail |E-commerce | Distributors
  • Investment
  • Female Entrepreneurship
  • Green Transition | Circular Fashion | Reuse| Recycle solutions' providers
  • Internationalization


  • Innovative textile and fashion Brands |Label
  • Fashion Designer
  • Startups
  • Manufacturing companies: Textile and accessories’ manufacturing companies
  • Circular and Sustainable providers for the textile industry (recycling, reuse mending, disposal of fabrics and clothing)
  • Buyers, commercial Agents
  • Retailer, Distributor, Fashion Stores, Wholesaler
  • PR Agency | Consulting Agency |Marketing and Business developer |MEDIA provider
  • Digital and ICT provider
  • Government |Association dealing with Textile and Fashion industry
  • Investors in the Textile Industry
  • Female Networks supporting Female Entrepreneurs

      THE B2B SESSIONS (29th/30th June 2024)  

      Welcome to the  9th edition of this ONSITE - FREE OF CHARGE B2B event
                                                                    addressed to the 

                                          Textile/Fashion industry and Sports Chain!

      This matchmaking event allows you to create international partnerships| to develop your business worldwide, creating new contacts , meeting  new commercial partners and to live an EXCLUSIVE EXPERIENCE in Turin.  alongside the TORINO FASHION WEEK 2024_#9 (27 June - 3rd July 2024)! 

        The B2B Torino Sport & Fashion Match 2024 is organized and managed by  Unioncamere Piemonte,  supported by the Turin Chamber of commerce  as members of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and in collaboration with the EEN experts of the Sector Group Textile, committed to bring international fashion and textile producers together to enhance opportunities and commercial partnerships finding partners for joint projects, exploring new markets as well as sharing knowledge, ideas, innovation and inspiration .

        The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the world's largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions, co-financed by the European Commission, EEN is active in +40 countries operating through + 500 local partner organizations selected by the European Commission committed to help entrepreneurs to grow and to innovate internationally. 

        The event is also promoted by the EEN Sector Group Cultural and Creative Industries , the Sector Group Tourism, by the Thematic Group Women Entrepreneurship and the Thematic Group Internationalization.

        2. THE TALKs' DAY : 1st July 2024

        Take also the chance to  join our TALKS' DAY on the 1st JULY 2024 to get inspiration from international speakers who will guide you in analysing different sectoral Topics  : 

        1. The Enterprise Europe Network supports your brand to internationalize and to innovate sustainable  
        2. Sustainable and circular textiles : the EU regulations and the Transition Pathway for the Textile industry  
        3. The role of the Social and Circular economy amid the Textile industry - PANEL DISCUSSION
        4. The IP Assets Safeguarding: The Key to SMEs’ Competitiveness in the fashion industry  - TRAINING SESSION
        5. Sportswear: from tradition through industry innovation, new technological and industrial trends to A.I. and Meteverse applications  PANEL DISCUSSION
        6. Leadership & Investment : Female entrepreneurships and Inclusion  - PANEL DISCUSSION
        7.A.I. and Metaverse : Innovative Industrial Trends Rocking the Textile Industry  -  PITCH SESSION
        8. Foresight and Venture Capital to build Future Visions  

        Check the PROGRAM HERE !


        Live a huge EXPERIENCE in Turin combining : 

        • Networking Meetings with new clients/ experts / speakers/ creative designers and suppliers
        • B2B Session to facilitate the creation of international collaborations 
        • TALKs' DAY  with international speakers, innovators and investors
        • Fashion Shows and related networking activities and events amid the Torino Fashion Week 2024

        BENEFITS  :

        • Showcase and promote your products, projects, services or business's needs, requests and offers to other participants, during the event
        • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
        • Create business partnerships and Promote your success story among European Channels : ask to the Enterprise Europe Network experts from your country! 
        • Be inspired by the TALKS we are planning!
        • Join the Torino Fashion Week 2024 event as performer and get international visibility within the fashion shows 

        NEWS 2024! 

        1. This year the b2b is more innovative than ever! We are involving investors, innovators and a community of new entrepreneurs and startups in collaboration with the experts of Talent Garden!

        2. We will provide you with stimulating insights focused on various topics from Sustainability for the fashion industry to new innovative technologies, AI to Future Thinking and many more!

        3. The b2b 2024 is once again part of the EEN ITINERARY SPORT 2024 project aimed at textile companies focused on the #sport sector and launched among the Enterprise Europe Network as leading initiative to support the international supply chain dedicated to sport industry, including #textiles.

        We will look forward to meeting you at the TALENT GARDEN  , Turin's leading cowork space for digital and tech innovators!!

        The b2b is organized alongside the TORINO FASHION WEEK 2024_#9 (27 June - 3rd July 2024) 1 Week of international format of fashion shows gathering international companies and new brands, emerging fashion talents, manufacturing companies and Small and medium textile's enterprises from niche cultures and markets concentrated in a Melting-pot environment, in the beautiful city of Turin.


        Closed since 11 July 2024
        TALENT GARDEN (Via Giuseppe Giacosa 38, Turin, IT)
        Organised by
        Participants 85
        Meetings 108
        Italy 59
        United Kingdom 11
        Bulgaria 5
        Cuba 4
        Brazil 4
        Lithuania 3
        Belgium 3
        Germany 2
        Türkiye 2
        Poland 2
        Greece 2
        Slovakia 2
        Nepal 1
        Indonesia 1
        Georgia 1
        Finland 1
        United States 1
        Netherlands 1
        France 1
        Ukraine 1
        Romania 1
        Croatia 1
        Total 109
        Start up |Emerging brand 35
        Company |SME 31
        Circular service supplier 11
        Government | Association |University 9
        Other 7
        E-commerce Platform| Digital platform | ICT providers| AI Technologies 6
        PR Agency | Consulting Agency |Marketing developer |MEDIA 6
        Buyer|Retailer|Distributor | Wholesaler 3
        Investor 1
        Total 109